Crazy Donald Trump clown image Trump's Cabinet of Clowns Crazy Donald Trump clown image

The First Fallen Clown

Matt Gaetz (allegedly) pays for sex, even with a minor. Satutory rape anyone?

This clown didn't even make it.

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But, once you see Butt-Head, you can't unsee him.

the real Butt-Head who is being discredited by Matt Gaetz

I'm kind of surprised that Saturday Night Live hasn't replace Mikey Day with Matt Gaetz yet.

Oh boy, it really keeps getting worse for this clown! CNN reporting the release of the ethics report

Again, here's another pick with really no qualifications. Sure, he went to law school, I'll give him that.
But, would you let a doctor operate on you who has never done an operation before? I didn't think so.